Dovetail events and news

Upcoming concerts


Dovetail Orchestra: 

June 8th, 7pm: St Michael’s Church, Chagford. Tickets £12 from Sally’s newsagents, Chagford, or on the door.

June 16th, 2pm: Trinity Community Arts Gardens. Bristol. Celebrating Aid Box Community’s work.

June 22nd, 1030-4pm: WORKSHOPS at Bristol Beacon. Come and join us to learn some new songs and skills. Open to anyone, regardless of musical experience.

June 23rd, 2.30pm: Queen’s Square, Bristol. As part of the Bristol Refugee Festival Week.


Dovetail Ensemble:

After a few smaller gigs in local Bristol venues (Jam Jar, The Cube – thanks to Benny Dart for facilitating those!), we are aiming for a fuller programme with the Ensemble from Autumn. Watch this space and our Facebook page!


We’re recording a mini-album of the Ensemble on June 24th with Jonathan Scott at the University of Bristol music department. 


Really grateful to the Arts Council of England, South Glos Resettlement Programme, and the Nisbet Trust for their recent grants. 

We’ll be launching some short courses this summer for beginner guitarists, drummers and keyboardists from the asylum-seeking community.

We’re always on the look-out for skilled and experienced musicians to lead workshops in traditional musical styles – particularly those with experience of seeking asylum. Please do get in touch if you can offer a session, or know anybody who can.